Charlene Boatswain
I’ve been attending WABC since I moved to the area with my family in 2012. I grew up going to church and have always had a strong faith in God and have felt how much he has protected and blessed my life.
I agree with the saying it takes a village to raise a child and being part of the church community has definitely been a supportive place. My 3 children attended the Mother and baby group Cabbage Patch and now they are a bit older they enjoy the Sunday school, youth nights, cinema and the many other social gatherings that are on the calendar.
We may not always understand why we are in the circumstances we are in or why the world is so crazy and scary especially in recent times, however we can rest in peace knowing God is in control.
My favourite verse from the bible:
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (Prov 3:5-6).
I did not expect to be taking on a deacon role and feel unqualified but God often called on the unlikely to do his work and I know I have the support of a great leadership team and Church family. I am looking forward to serving our community and welcoming new people to our happy place of worship.